EdgarArt Studio

Select Works

Rainbow Trout, Oil on Canvas (2016)

Flyfishing on the Lower Mountain Fork River, in Oklahoma.  I hiked in about a mile before daylight.  When it became light enough to see I spotted a trout rising and feeding on caddis flies. 

I had none in my box and was unsuccessful. 

That evening I tied some flies to match what the trout were feeding on.  The next morning at daylight I was spotted the same fish surfacing.  I tied on one of my flies I tied the evening before. 

At the third cast, the trout rose and took my fly.  I landed him, laid him on some rocks on the shore and pulled out my camera and photographed him laying on the rocks.  I released him back into the river unharmed. 

I bought the canvas and wanted to use the trout painting as a motivator to paint even while in law school.  But, any attempt to finish the painting was unsuccessful as I could not paint backgrounds. 

The canvas stayed ½ painted for several years.  In 2015 I finally devoted my effort and focus on painting the background.  Closely studying the subtleties of each rock face. For the first time ever in my art, I painted a background.  I spent months painting the rocks and background first before I painted the trout.

I painted and repainted the trout using different brushes and techniques before I felt like I got it right. Close study of the scales of a rainbow trout shows they are fairly uniform in shape and even follow perfect diagonal lines. they only differ in size and color.

  This was the first time in my entire life that I ever painted a background, and as such is probably my finest work of art.  

Sunset Feather, Oil on Canvas (2018)

This painting was a bit of a release as I wanted to re-paint a ceremonial feather, but not restricted to one color, this time in full color. 

The feather has yellow, reds, browns, blues, and every other color of the rainbow.  I wanted to do the ceremonial ribbon different than last time and in this instance I used strips I cut from a large piece fo white leather. 

You may note that there are much less twists and turns than the prior painting as leather is much more stiff and has thickness. 

Once complete, and framed, I stood back and thought it needed something so I used the same colors from the feather to paint a very abstract sunset.